About your appointment

For all initial visits we will need a valid referral letter either from your optometrist or doctor in order to claim your Medicare rebate.

Please make an appointment first by calling us on (08)9316 2156 or email us and request a call back. Please bring your referral letter with you on the day of your appointment or request your optometrist or doctor to send it through to us directly.


Most initial appointments will need dilating drops, so please arrange for someone to drive you as this will blur your vision for up to a few hours after the drops. Please also bring your current glasses with you to your appointment.

For all new patients, please allow some time to fill out our patient registration forms and bring your Medicare card, any private health insurance card and pension card.

Allow at least one to two hours for your appointment, including the time for your eyes to dilate.

We do not have bulk billing facilities at this practice. All accounts will need to be finalised on the day of your appointment. We accept payments via EFTPOS or cash.

We encourage all patients to register for the Medicare Safety Net through Medicare. For eligible patients this allows you to claim a larger rebate from Medicare once you reach the Safety Net threshold.